Chemistry and Dating


Relationship is a very important part of the human specie as a social being. it's impossible to be in this part of life and not be in one kind of relationship or the other. what relationship means to man is more like what the sand means to the beach.
while there are different types of relationship, there's  one that is prevalent across all people regardless of culture,class, personality and the lot which yes dating! and until after a "convo" i had with a  friend during the holls  made me realised two things; that just like i was hoodwinked about dating  a lot of peeps  out there are still stranded on that highland and also a reminder to put up this post(that i've longed postponed) with urgency to let people know that there will continue to be heartbreaks, unresolved past, bitter experiences and even not actualizing the aim of dating not because they don't have a good heart or bad people but because of ignorance. The bible puts it this way;

"My people are destroyed because they've refused knowledge"

Knowledge is the key here not on chemistry like falz and simi tells us or what the whole entertainment  industry portrays on their movies and songs. Your "know how" about a subject/situation gives you a better platform to plan putting into consideration the black and white part of it and your plan determines the success of your course. Dating is about plan, its about your readiness  are you ready?, do you know what you are in for? Below are 5 key ways to know  you are ready for dating.

-You are not ready to date until you are fully aware of both the benefit and the dangers of dating. Once you understand not only the perks but also the pitfalls of dating and top of the list of potential dating pitfalls is the danger of becoming physically and emotionally involved too quickly at too deep a level  leading to inappropriate behaviour then you are mature enough to begin opening yourself up to more serious relationship.

-You are not ready for dating until you've had a good understanding of God's standards for relationship. You need to learn or work out a clear set of guidelines of behaviours based on Gods word or you are not ready to date. Waiting until you are in a dating situation to decide whats right or wrong is too late. Unless u settle those matters in your heart and mind before hand, you will have little protection against temptation and could easily go to far. There are only 2 choices: either you will follow Gods standard by deliberate choice or you will follow follow the world standard by default.

-You are not ready to date when you "need" to date. If you feel that you need to date in order to be complete or fulfilled personally, you are not ready for dating. Need involves demand and it implies that there is something lacking in life. As long as you perceive lack within yourself every relationship you enter will be to one degree or another, an effort to supply that lack or bring a sense of completeness.

-You are not ready for dating until you've read at least five dating related books. We are in an age where there are ideas everywhere like never before given to us by great men and women who went through this phase that you are right now. Reading books about dating is like studying the manual of a new device it gives you an edge for enjoying your new gadget.

-You are not ready to date if you are not under mentorship. This follows closely on the heels of the previous readiness principle. Reading books is ok but what happens when you've got question? What happens when you need a one on one conversation? until there's someone with experience and visible  proof concerning dating to mentor and guide you stay away from dating.

Note: majority of the dating readiness principles can be found in the book Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe i hope you go get yours.( i guess we can take this as a book review).


Keep the comment rolling in. what other dating principles could be of help // Name of dating related books you'd recommend? it will be awesome to read your views. cheers!


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